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CHOICES Responds to SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe

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CHOICES Responds to SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe

The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is one that fails people, families, and communities in Memphis, Tennessee, and across the country. Each person deserves access to abortions because everyone deserves to make decisions about their own bodies, their health, and their future. According to Guttmacher, 26 states are expected to ban abortion when Roe falls and the distance the average person needs to travel to reach an abortion provider will increase more than ten times (from 26 miles currently to 275 miles).The impact of losing abortion rights will be devastating for communities across states like Tennessee.

Nationwide data has repeatedly told the same story: Abortion bans are linked to bad health outcomes across the board, and especially when it comes to infant and maternal health. CHOICES is committed to providing high-quality reproductive health care, and no SCOTUS decision or anti-choice law will change that. 

At CHOICES, birthing families are 5 times less likely to have a C-section and 3 times less likely to have a premature birth than anywhere else in TN. These outcomes reflect the special kind of care we provide at CHOICES, and speak to a future we know is possible– a future where sexual and reproductive healthcare is recognized as an essential human right.



That’s why we’re working hard to make sure that the new CHOICES clinic in Carbondale will be open in August of this year, and why we’re more committed than ever to the work we do in our Memphis clinic. The road ahead is long, but this fight is too important to give up now.


In the wake of this upsetting news from SCOTUS, we are here to ask you to join in the fight. Donate to CHOICES to support the expansion to Illinois and the increasingly urgent work at the clinic in Tennessee; donate to abortion funds to make sure that everyone who needs to travel across state lines for an abortion can do so, regardless of whether or not they can afford the trip; volunteer with organizations already providing practical support; donate to reproductive justice organizations like our friends at SisterReach who are tirelessly advocating for us all. There are so many ways to take a stand for all of our rights, and we need all of us standing together so we can all make it through to a time when human rights are realized for the people of our country. 
