Most CHOICES patients qualify for financial assistance. Learn more about our Patient Discount Fund HERE.

One Year in Our New Home

Choices Memphis Center For Reproductive Health Building Exterior

One Year in Our New Home

Dear friends and supporters, 

One year ago today CHOICES opened the doors of our new building to patients for the first time! CHOICES’ new space is bold and beautiful because our patients deserve it – everyone deserves high-quality health care in a space that makes them feel welcome and comfortable. We’ve already cared for thousands of patients inside these walls, providing abortions, birth control, gender-affirming hormones, prenatal care, birth services, and more. 

Since settling into our new home, the CHOICES team has:

  • fully operationalized the first in the nation center to provide abortion and birth under the same roof,
  • begun to offer appointments on the weekend to help address patient needs outside of the work week,
  • developed a fellowship program for newly-graduated Black nurse midwives,
  • provided over 2,000 patients with abortion services,
  • provided over 900 wellness appointments to patients across the gender spectrum, and 
  • cared for over 50 families as they welcomed their new baby into the world.

Raising the $6 million to complete our new facility and making the move into the new space were huge accomplishments, but the hard work is only just beginning. In 2022, CHOICES plans to:

  • continue to expand our availability and evaluate additional services needed in our community, 
  • ensure equitable compensation, benefits, and professional development opportunities for all staff, 
  • welcome our very first midwifery fellows, and 
  • continue to provide critical sexual and reproductive health care to our community.

As always, thank you for standing with us as we provide high quality, patient-centered care and champion reproductive and sexual rights! CHOICES could have never made it here without the support and generosity of our community. 


JMP Signature

Jennifer M. Pepper, MBA

Executive Director
