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Arm Yourself Against Abortion Misinformation

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Arm Yourself Against Abortion Misinformation

We all know this is a tough moment for reproductive rights in our country, and our social feeds are crowded with news stories about abortion – some of which are scary, confusing, or just plain inaccurate. Abortion misinformation and stigma in the media are everywhere, and that’s a real problem. Now especially, it’s critical that we are reading and sharing accurate information. 

Here are some of our favorite media outlets for trusted, accurate, inclusive reporting on reproductive health, rights, and justice:
Below are some recent pieces CHOICES has been featured in:

Abortion providers from states where abortion is outlawed are bringing their expertise to haven states at a critical time.


“CHOICES was working on borrowed time, not wanting to book appointments they might have to cancel, but also wanting to squeeze in as many patients as possible.”


CHOICES  canceled some appointments and fielded desperate calls from patients, with dozens getting procedures just in time. “I cannot have this baby,” one caller said.


“I stared at a map and it just kind of all came to me and (I) said to my team — ‘I think it’s this town, in Carbondale,” she said. “Carbondale had this opportunity to be a critical access point for the entire southeastern United States.”

We hope you find these reproductive rights-focused pieces as insightful and inspiring as we do!
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